
Showing posts from 2011

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD): Warning Signs, Symptoms, Treatment

Attachment is the deep and lasting connection established between a youngster and caretaker in the first few years of life. It profoundly affects your youngster’s development and his or her ability to express emotions and develop relationships. If you are the parent of a youngster with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), you may be physically and emotionally exhausted from trying to connect with your youngster, only to be met with opposition, defiance, or, maybe hardest of all, indifference. A youngster with insecure attachment or RAD doesn’t have the skills necessary to build meaningful relationships. However, with the right tools, and a healthy dose of time, effort, patience, and love, it is possible to treat and repair attachment difficulties.   ==> Parenting Defiant RAD Teens Understanding attachment problems and disorders— Kids with RAD or other attachment problems have difficulty connecting to others and managing their own emotions. This results in a lack of