Reactive Attachment Disorder: Self-Test
Does your child or teenager have Reactive Attachment Disorder? Take this test to find out:
1. Avoids or resists physical closeness and touch Y/N
2. Bossy with peers Y/N
3. Cannot be trusted Y/N
4. Complains frequently Y/N
5. Cruel to animals Y/N
6. Destructive to self, others, and property Y/N
7. Gorges or hoards food Y/N
8. Has frequent or intense angry outbursts Y/N
9. Has little or no conscience Y/N
10. Has poor peer relationships Y/N
11. Inappropriately demanding and clingy Y/N
12. Indiscriminately affectionate on parents’ terms Y/N
13. Is an angry child inside Y/N
14. Is emotionally phony, hollow or empty Y/N
15. Is impulsive or hyperactive Y/N
16. Is manipulative or controlling Y/N
17. Is oppositional, argumentative, defiant Y/N
18. Is superficially engaging and charming Y/N
19. Is unable to cry about something sad Y/N
20. Lack of eye contact on parental terms Y/N
21. Lacks cause and effect thinking Y/N
22. Lies about the obvious Y/N
23. Low self-esteem Y/N
24. More disobedient toward mother than father Y/N
25. Not affectionate on parents’ terms Y/N
26. Persistent nonsense questions or incessant chatter Y/N
27. Preoccupation with fire, blood, or violence Y/N
28. Seems unable to give and receive love Y/N
29. Sexual acting out Y/N
30. Steals Y/N
If you answered ‘yes’ to any 3 of the statements above, it should be a red flag that your child may have attachment issues.
If you answered ‘yes’ to 5 or more, then it is highly likely that he/she has Reactive Attachment Disorder and should be tested by a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist.
==> Parenting Defiant RAD Teens