
Control and Limit-Setting for RAD Children & Teens

Parenting a youngster with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is extremely challenging, intense and exhausting, but the rewards are equal to the difficulty of the task. Not all attachment therapists agree on the details of how to parent RAD kids, but most experts agree that “control and limit-setting” should be a primary focus. One thing that many RAD kids have in common is their extreme need to be in control of their environment and of the people in it, especially their moms and dads. When they were young kids in the orphanage or foster care, they didn't have an opportunity to complete the bonding cycle, which is where trust develops. Perhaps the move to their new adoptive home interrupted that cycle, and therefore they don't trust grown-ups to take care of them. In addition, when the grown-ups were in charge, the youngster was abandoned, neglected or possibly hurt. So these very smart kids have figured out that to feel safe, they need to be in control. But this, unfort

Reactive Attachment Disorder: Self-Test

Does your child or teenager have Reactive Attachment Disorder? Take this test to find out: 1. Avoids or resists physical closeness and touch   Y/N 2. Bossy with peers   Y/N 3. Cannot be trusted   Y/N 4. Complains frequently    Y/N 5. Cruel to animals   Y/N 6. Destructive to self, others, and property    Y/N 7. Gorges or hoards food    Y/N 8. Has frequent or intense angry outbursts    Y/N 9. Has little or no conscience    Y/N 10. Has poor peer relationships    Y/N 11. Inappropriately demanding and clingy    Y/N 12. Indiscriminately affectionate on parents’ terms    Y/N 13. Is an angry child inside    Y/N 14. Is emotionally phony, hollow or empty   Y/N 15. Is impulsive or hyperactive    Y/N 16. Is manipulative or controlling    Y/N 17. Is oppositional, argumentative, defiant   Y/N 18. Is superficially engaging and charming    Y/N 19. Is unable to cry about something sad    Y/N 20. Lack of eye contact on parental terms    Y/N 21. Lacks cause and effect thinking

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD): Warning Signs, Symptoms, Treatment

Attachment is the deep and lasting connection established between a youngster and caretaker in the first few years of life. It profoundly affects your youngster’s development and his or her ability to express emotions and develop relationships. If you are the parent of a youngster with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), you may be physically and emotionally exhausted from trying to connect with your youngster, only to be met with opposition, defiance, or, maybe hardest of all, indifference. A youngster with insecure attachment or RAD doesn’t have the skills necessary to build meaningful relationships. However, with the right tools, and a healthy dose of time, effort, patience, and love, it is possible to treat and repair attachment difficulties.   ==> Parenting Defiant RAD Teens Understanding attachment problems and disorders— Kids with RAD or other attachment problems have difficulty connecting to others and managing their own emotions. This results in a lack of

Natural Consequences for RAD Children & Teens

Lectures, warnings, hollering, bribes, second chances and reminders do NOT work. You are wasting your time and breath. Your youngster knows the rules – he just refuses to obey your rules! Remember – her actions are often automatic responses learned from infancy. Your youngster is in their element when you have lost your control! Natural Consequences: • Broken object – they must replace it with their own money or with chores. • Did not bring homework home – go back and get it or assign your own homework. • Does not want to eat – no problem, they will not starve, but they will sit at the table while the family eats (NO snack before next meal). • Foul mouth, raised voice, rudeness, and back talk – can be rewarded with chores, exercise (jumping jacks, sit ups, running on the spot) or payment to money jar. • Hurt someone – they must apologize and lose privileges (having friends over, watching TV, playing video games, using the telephone, etc.). Most likely, they will

Adoptive Parents and Reactive Attachment Disorder

A major problem with the diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is the painful truth that many of the very individuals we moms and dads turn to for help - professionals in the mental health, neurological, and medical fields - often lack the knowledge and expertise to treat our kids. One of the first doctors I took my youngster to told me that my youngster would end up institutionalized and that if a PET scan were done on his brain, it would look like Swiss cheese - black holes of non activity where there should be brain activity. That there is nothing much I could do for him as "...these Romanian kids were hopeless cases..." My youngster was 7 years old when I was told this by a prominent neurologist. I didn't believe in giving up. This youngster was my responsibility and I would work hard to figure out how to help him. How I would have loved it if there were professionals willing and able to treat my youngster - who believed in positive change in his l

Secure Attachment

What happens when the mother reassigns a different motive to the child's cry and decides not to be responsive? A youngster cries for a reason - not to manipulate his parent, not to be mean, or nasty, or to be a "pain in the neck." When, instead of trying to discern what her youngster needs, a mother simply says - "oh, he's just tired," or "he has to deal with sleeping by himself now" - she has given her baby the idea that expressing his inner-self is wrong or bad. A baby is like someone who is quadriplegic. He can't do very much for himself - but that doesn't mean that he isn't thinking and feeling. When the baby cries and his mother responds, the youngster learns to have trust in the world around him and to have trust in himself. When the baby cries and his mother listens, the two join together in a moment of oneness that transcends the separateness, the aloneness, which the baby knows all too well. If the youngster has not


What doesn't work: 1. Attempting to persuade the RAD youngster to change his mind by presenting “logical, reasonable, or “practical information”. RAD kids are highly unlikely to be influenced by reasonableness. Adult efforts to do so look “stupid” to a RAD youngster an can intensify his lack of feeling safe. 2. Emotional reactivity. RAD kids experience parents' frustration and anger as proof that the youngster is effectively controlling his parents' emotions. This only inflates their grandiose sense of power. 3. Negotiating with a RAD youngster. 4. Rescuing the youngster from the consequences of her behavior and / or attempting to solve the RAD youngster's problems for her. Philosophy— While love and parental common sense are necessary ingredients to successfully parent a youngster with attachment difficulties, they are rarely sufficient. This is due to the fact that most kids with attachment problems are too guarded and too distrustful to rec